Grace’s Mom shares prophetic insight in her new books | |
When I was a young mother, I felt a vacuum in my parenting skills from my own dysfunctional childhood. Overwhelmed, I cried out to Jesus. The Lord, in His own precious way spoke, so sweet, “…just begin to journal for I am going to teach you, Myself how to lay your young ones on the altar of My heart”. That began my amazing journey of letting Him shape a perfect heart as only He can. Actually, don’t be uneasy with the word “perfect” as it simply translates, “altogether given to God”. As we yield to this total abandonment, the greatest legacy, a priceless inheritance is released to our children. You will discover inspirational/practical/proven Ignite a Holy Fire on the altar of your child’s heart. Impart fathoms of lavish love for Jesus. Position them “face to face” with His Holiness. Inspire your child to be an “earth blesser” burning for the nations. Guard the affections of their hearts… what they are zealously attached to. Gain wisdom in Hebraic child discipline and Biblical training truth.
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Prepare for a prophetic generation of Extraterrestrial Kids ready to hit planet earth with the image of God on a man. Like heavenly chariots, who access God’s Throne, they will return the tangible, sensory evidence of God’s Glory lost in Eden. This prophetic generation will reveal Jesus’ face on a man and become a blessing portal between heaven and earth. Only those with clean hands and a pure heart will access this inner chamber of His heart in Holy High Places. As spectacles of the image of God on a man, they will be His DIVINE ADVERTISEMENT… spreading His fame abroad. Come join His pageantry to touch the nations with His resplendent majesty! You will discover Lay your young prophets on the altar of His heart Cultivate intimacy through holiness Clothe your kids in His fiery mantle Escort heaven to earth Release their encoded DNA for greatness Inspire a zealous, passionate heart For purchases outside the USA, use this for all international orders. $15 + $14 shipping Find us on: |